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Economics and Education > E-SKY

Research Area: Economics and Education
Salis Kolawole E-SKY
B.Sc. Ed Economics (OAU-Ife), M.Sc. Economics (UNILAG)
+234 (0)8032467356
January 2016

1.0 Introduction:
Economics of Education is an area of study that cannot be said to be a separate field of inquiry that is totally different from the ordinary economics.
Economics of education is one of the branches of ordinary economics which studies how educational managers make official or approved choices from scarce available resources which is meant for the realization of the best possible educational outcomes.
1.1 Economics of education can be defined as the study of economic issues relating to education, including the demand for education and the financing and provision of education.
Economics of Education is the application of economic principles, concepts and laws to the process of Education.
Economics of education studies human behaviour (in terms of human decisions), actions and reactions about schooling (Babalola, 2003). It further looks into how human behaviour affects economic development.
Economics of Education employs the use of some elementary concepts commonly used in labour economics, public sector economics, welfare economics, growth theory and development economics.
From early works on the relationship between schooling and labour market outcomes for individuals, the field of the economics of education has grown rapidly to cover virtually all areas with linkages to education.
World known classical economists like Adam Smith, Alfred Marshall, John Stuart Mill had discussed education and development extensively, advocating for public investment in education. So, by the 1950s, economists gave attention to issues such as the relationship between education and economic growth; relationship between education and income distribution and also the financing of education.
On the whole, economics of education is the marriage between ‘Mr.’ Education and ‘Miss’ Economics, and once married, Miss Economics must have her department and bear the name of Mr. Education. The two then merge to become one and thereafter referred to as Economics of Education
The educational sector is established to meet and satisfy the human quest and thirst for knowledge, most of the needs of man will always create a demand for educational resources. The total supply of these resources, even when fully employed, cannot meet every desire of man, and this is as a result of insatiability of human wants.
Since it is not possible to meet all the needs of human being, a rational society goes on to choose between these wants. In that wise, the different principles of scale of preference and opportunity cost will come into play.
Economics of education therefore is the systematic study of how to choose those alternatives that would give mankind the greatest satisfaction.
It is a branch of economics which uses economic tools to solve educational problems and tackle educational issues.
Economics of education concerns itself with how to use the limited educational resources to satisfy the unlimited educational wants.
Economics of education is the study of how educational managers make choices concerning the use of the scarce educational resources, and this is what economists do in the education system. 
The fundamental problem of economics of education is how the decision makers shall make use of the limited resources at their disposal to best satisfy their unlimited educational wants.
The difference between economics of education and ordinary economics is the dominance of education as a variable in every argument and application of economic principles, laws, and concepts to education issues.

This is the education provided by individual (a teacher or any other educated person) on different economic issues and problems.
The course of ‘Education Economics’ introduces students in looking at education from an economic perspective. It applies economic frameworks, evaluation methodologies and principles to education. 
Several tertiary institutions offer courses in education economics in learning, and such institutions in Nigeria include; University of Lagos, Akoka, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile–Ife and many others.
People are trained in these institutions to teach economic concepts to the public through the students in secondary schools, and thereby focusing attention at providing solutions to the economic problem in the society.
It should be realized that a better part of our working day is spent in making economic decisions either as a producer or as a consumer.
Hence, Economic education can therefore, help us to arrive at a better set of decisions than
those we would have originally made.

Babalola, J.B. (2003). “Fundamentals of Economics of Education” J.B. Babalola (Ed). Basic Text in Educational Planning, EPPU. Ibadan: Deparment of Educational Management, University of Ibadan.
Hardwick, P;Khan,B. and Langmead, J.(1994). An Introduction to Modern Economics,4th Edition, New York:
Mark Blaug, 1985. "Where Are We Now in the Economics of Education?" Economics of Education Review, 4(1), pp. 17–28.

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 2016.

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